Andrei Bosiachenko

Well, shall we begin the acquaintance?

Don't judge me harshly, because I'm still just learning)


About me


Welcome to my CV. As you have already understood, my name is Andrey. I am 25 years old. I graduated from Polotsk State University, majoring in Computing Machines, Systems and Networks. I did an internship at A1QA on QA Manual. This is not the first time on this course, but this time definitely to the end. I want to change the type of activity from system administration to development.

Personal qualities

  • Friendly
  • Sociable
  • Happy to help
  • Purposefulness
  • Stress resistance
  • self-criticism


  • html logo
  • css logo
  • JS logo
  • qualitie assurance logo

My projects

School site (my first project)

Screen Project


Screen Project

The Pig!

Screen Project

Webdev (only HTML without landing)

Screen Project

Code example


You're writing code to control your town's traffic lights. You need a function to handle each change from green, to yellow, to red, and then to green again. Complete the function that takes a string as an argument representing the current state of the light and returns a string representing the state the light should change to. For example, when the input is green, output should be yellow.

My solution:

        function  updateLight(current) {
            let  arr = ['green', 'yellow', 'red'];
            for(let i = 0; i<arr.length ; i++){
                if(arr[i ] === current){
                    return arr[i+1]
                } else if(current == arr[arr.length-1]){
                    return arr[0]
